Sunday, April 24, 2011

22nd January 2011 - Burra Creek Gorge Campground - South Australia

Located approximately 26k South East Burra, Burra Creek campground has a large area for camping and relaxing amongst large gum trees next to Burra Creek. There are three long drop toilets well away from each other at the various sites suitable for camping. You have a choice of level camping sites in the open or in the shade closer to the gorge. There are bush walks that amble through the gorge and follow the creek. Burra Township itself is divided into two sections with one close to the showground and the other approximately 2k away that has the business section. Burra is a historic town with plenty of antique shops for those looking for something from the “good old days”.

Camps Australia Wide No. 5 Site No. SA - 287
Camps Australia Wide No. 6 Site No. SA - 298
GPS: 33°49'52.0"S – 139°02'44.0"E (Burra Campground)
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